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Manage My BNB

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Terms & Conditions

Booking Terms & Conditions The following terms and conditions shall apply for reservations made through By Managemybnb Pty Ltd Cancellation The Booking Agent recommends that the Guest takes out comprehensive holiday cancellation and protection insurance with a reputable insurance company to cater for any unforeseen circumstances which may arise including accident, ill health or any other matters beyond the Guest’s reasonable control, as once the booking has been made and confirmed, the Guest will be responsible for payment of the full rental whether or not occupation of the Property occurs. Rental Contract The rental contact is between the Guest and the Owner of the Property for which the accommodation booking is made and is subject to the terms and conditions herein. The contract for accommodation shall not be effective until the Booking Agent sends the Guest written confirmation of the booking. The Guest acknowledges that the Booking Agent acts as a booking agent for the Owner only and not as a principal. Noise & Neighbours We want you to enjoy your stay but please be aware of the impact of your noise on others and keeping our neighbours happy is of paramount importance. Noise and music should not impact any other property and noise levels are to be respectful at all times. Noise complaints will result in bond deductions and possible eviction. Guest’s Obligations in Respect of the Property The Guest shall be responsible for the Property during the Guest’s stay. The Guest shall take all reasonable care of the Property and at the end of the stay shall leave the Property including all utensils, fixtures, fittings and equipment on, in or about the Property in a clean and tidy condition. The Guest shall be liable for any extra cleaning breakages or damage caused to the Property or any part thereof or any of the chattels therein that may occur during the Guest’s occupation of the Property and all costs for extra cleaning, repair and replacement thereof shall be payable to the Booking agent or the Owner from the Guest Security Bond. Any such costs over and above the amount taken as a Guest Bond may be sought by the Owner through the Local Court. Any damage or breakage to any part of the Property or any of the chattels therein shall be reported to the Local Agent, Booking Agent or Owner as soon as practicable after the damage occurring thereto. Pets Pets are are only permitted once approved and in selected properties that advertise as ‘pet friendly’ Guest’s Property All personal belongings, baggage, vehicles and other property of the Guest of any description shall be the risk of the Guest at all times and neither the Booking Agent nor the Owner accepts any responsibility for any loss or damage thereto. Guest Numbers and Functions The Guest may only allow the Property to be occupied by the number of persons nominated in the Guest’s application and under no circumstances shall the number of people occupying the Property be greater than that appearing on the Guest’s application or the booking confirmation, whichever is the lesser. The Booking Agent and Owner reserve the right to refuse occupation of the Property to the Guest if the condition on the number of people intended to occupy the Property is not observed. Right to Refuse or Revoke Bookings The Booking Agent and the Owner reserve the right to revoke or refuse to honour any property accommodation booking which may in the opinion of either party (and at their sole discretion) be unsuitable for the Property concerned. Booking Confirmation Once a Guest’s booking has been confirmed, the Guest shall be responsible for payment of the total price for the rental period and all extras (if any) as shown on the confirmation notice on or before the date or dates referred to in such notice. Representations The Guest acknowledges that the Booking Agent has used its best endeavours to describe the Property to the Guest within the limited extent of the communications between the Guest and the Booking Agent and the Booking Agent shall not be liable to the Guest in any respect should the Guest consider the Property to be unsuitable for any reason whatsoever. Description of the Property All information in respect of the Property contained in the Booking Agent’s website is believed to be correct at the time of the publication, however all details are subject to change by the Booking Agent and/the Owner without notice. The Booking Agent will not accept any responsibility for any alterations to the Property or any part thereof beyond the Booking Agents control or any liability for any matter or occurrences beyond the Booking Agents reasonable control including damage caused by extreme weather conditions, break down of appliances, wiring, plumbing, invasion of pests, or any act or omission on the part of the Owner causing loss, accident or injury to the Guest or any one or more of them. Availability of Property The short-term accommodation contract negotiated by the Booking Agent and made between the Guest and the Owner is made on the understanding that the Property and its facilities as stated in the booking confirmation will be available as represented to the Guest. Should any events whatsoever arise beyond the reasonable control of the Booking Agent which render the Property uninhabitable (for example flood, fire, storm, tempest, etc) or the property becomes for sale or is sold by the Owner, then the Booking Agent may have to cancel the Guest’s booking for the Property. Should such circumstances arise then the Booking Agent will endeavour to relocate the Guest to a holiday home of similar standard to the property in the same area. Where this is not possible, the Booking Agent will refund all monies paid by the Guest in respect of the Property. Upon refund of the monies paid, the guest shall have no further claims whatsoever against the Owner of the Property or the Booking Agent. Smoking Smoking is not permitted inside our properties. Loss of Keys Keys and remote controls are the responsibility of the guests during their stay. If lost these will be replaced at the guests cost at a cost of $100 per key and $100 per remote control. Swimming Pool Where the property has a swimming pool, either shared or private, no glass is to be taken into the pool enclosure. Watercraft Storage of watercraft, such as boats and jet skis, on the property must be OKed by the Booking Agent prior to arrival. Each property has their own rules and regulations regarding these and may or may not be able to cater for parking of watercraft.